Is this actually happening? 22 months after leaving their beloved summer home, my kids are finally heading back there.
This Saturday. It sorta doesn’t feel real after this last year +. We’ve gone through (and not done yet!) a (hopefully) once in a lifetime global pandemic, over a year of different version of learning and school, social distancing, masking, missing out on seeing & celebrating with loved ones, minimal activities, and an entire summer of no camp. Child experts always talk about the resilience of kids, and while that’s never felt more true, these kids have truly been total rockstars. They’ve had no choice in any of this and have had to go along with the constantly ever changing “rules”.
But they are going back. These camps have worked incredibly hard to make this happen and the moment is finally here. It doesn’t even feel real. Like, I know they’re leaving but I cannot imagine not having them at an arms distance – where they’ve pretty much been since March 2020. And while it sounds totally amazing to get a much deserved and needed break – it feels totally bizarre we are not going to be together.
We’ve gone from baking banana bread, chalking our walk, and completing way too many puzzles to dropping them at camp – in a school drop off line fashion – for 7 weeks with no visiting day. I went from baking way too many banana bread loaves to feeling like it’s kinda bananas.
Don’t get me wrong – I couldn’t be more excited for them. When I think about it for them – there’s nothing better. They get to be kids. Without a care in the world. As their summers should be. At sleepaway camp, they can play, and run, and hug and just be. A big smile forms on my face just thinking about that. What more could I want for them?
They also gain some independence back. They get to make some of their own decisions – some smart, some maybe not so smart – but all part of the growing up process. They get to make new friendships and strengthen ones they’ve already established. What more could I want for them?
But what about me? I’m used to having them home. I’m used to hearing every minute detail of their day. I’m used to way more hugs than I’ve ever gotten. I promise I won’t miss the constant X-box screaming and non stop Tik Tokking, but I will miss their “noise”. It’s going to be really quiet. After a long time of no quiet.
But as you’ve probably already thought this (if you’re still reading it!) – this isn’t about me. It’s really not. It’s about them and the gift they are getting this summer at overnight camp. There’s just so many feels. But on Saturday – rest be sure – I’ll put on a brave face and share in their excitement and watch them literally RUN out of my car into the waiting cheers and arms of their friends & counselors. I do plan on sitting in between them the entire car ride up and keeping dark sunnies on – but part of me is a teeny bit excited to come home and walk into my too quiet house and have a cold glass of wine – while I wait for the refreshing to start….